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(참고자료) 뉴욕주변호사협회가 소개한 AI 관련 현재 동향 관련 링크들

최근 세계 최대 규모의 변호사 단체인 미국 뉴욕주변호사협회(The New York State Bar Association, NYSBA)가 주최하는 국제회의(Global Conference)가 서울에서 열려, 한국과 미국의법조인들이 모여 인공지능(AI)의 급속한 발전이 법조계에 미칠 영향 등을 논의하는 기회를 가졌다. 이번 행사에 특별히 AI 관련 세션을 참관할 기회가 있어서 많은 것을 배울 수 있었다.

행사에 참석해 현직 판사들과 변호사들이 진행하는 회의를 들으면서 배운 것도 많지만, 많은 사전 학습 자료를 소개받아서 읽은 것도 큰 도움이 됐다. 이 가운데는 NYSBA의 AI태스크포스가 지난 4월 협회에 보고한 '보고 및 권고 사항'이라는 서류가 있었는데, AI 기술 발전이 법조계에 제기하는 기회와 위험을 잘 정리한 보고서여서 많은 도움을 받았다.

특히, 이 보고서 말미에 최근 AI 관련 동향을 파악하는 데 도움이 될 링크들을 공유해 주었기에 본 블로그 독자들에게도 이 링크들을 소개한다. 링크들을 일일이 점검한 것은 아니기에 독자들이 가장 유익하다고 생각하는 링크들을 이용해볼 것을 권한다. 전 세계에서 하루가 다르게 발전하는 AI 관련 동향을 파악하는 데 도움이 되기를 기대한다.

(DALL-E가 만든 그림. 출처: NYSBA)

Blogs & Podcasts

OpenAI Blog: Direct insights from one of the leading organizations in AI research. It covers breakthroughs, applications, and considerations around their technologies, including generative models like GPT and DALL-E.

Distill: Though not exclusively focused on generative AI, Distill publishes detailed, interactive research articles on machine learning that often touch on generative models. Its visual and intuitive approach makes complex topics accessible.

The Gradient: A place for deep technical and theoretical discussions on AI, including generative models. The Gradient offers perspectives on the latest research trends, ethical considerations, and practical applications.

AI Weirdness: Authored by Janelle Shane, this blog explores the quirky and humorous side of AI, including many experiments with generative models. It’s an entertaining way to see the creative potential and limitations of AI.

DeepMind Blog: While DeepMind’s research encompasses a wide range of AI technologies, their work on generative models and their applications is frequently featured, providing insights into cutting-edge developments.

The AI Alignment Podcast: Hosted by the Future of Life Institute, this podcast covers broader topics in AI, including the development and implications of generative AI technologies. Discussions often revolve around safety, ethics, and future prospects.

TWIML AI Podcast (This Week in Machine Learning & AI): Offers a wide range of interviews with AI researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders, including episodes focused on generative AI technologies and their applications.

The Gradient Podcast: An extension of The Gradient blog, this podcast dives into discussions with AI researchers and industry professionals, shedding light on their work, the future of AI, and occasionally focusing on generative models.

AI in Business: While more focused on the application of AI in industry, this podcast sometimes explores generative AI applications in business, offering insights into how companies are leveraging this technology.


The Batch by DeepLearning.ai: Curated by Andrew Ng and his team, The Batch brings the most important AI news and perspectives, including topics on generative AI, to your inbox. It’s great for professionals, researchers, and anyone interested in AI.

Import AI by Jack Clark: Jack Clark, co-founder of Anthropic and former policy director at OpenAI, shares weekly insights on AI developments, policy implications, and research breakthroughs. While not exclusively focused on generative AI, the newsletter often covers significant advancements and considerations in the field.

Data Elixir: While broader than just generative AI, Data Elixir covers data science and machine learning trends, tools, and resources, including topics on generative models and AI-generated content.

The Algorithm by MIT Technology Review: Offers insightful commentary on the latest AI developments, including ethical considerations, policy, and groundbreaking research in generative AI.

The Sequence: A deep-tech AI newsletter that offers cutting-edge perspectives on AI technologies, including generative AI. It’s structured in a unique format that includes a brief overview, a deep dive, and a summary of the latest AI research.


AI Weekly: A roundup of the best content in AI, including research papers, articles, and news. It frequently features content related to generative AI technologies and their applications.

Last Week in AI: This newsletter gives a concise overview of the latest AI news, research, and applications with occasional deep dives into generative AI technologies and their societal impacts.

Orbit: Focused on machine learning and AI, Orbit provides updates on the latest research, applications, and trends, including insightful discussions on generative AI.

MIT Technology Review: Their subscription gives access to in-depth reporting on emerging technologies, including detailed articles on developments in AI and machine learning. Their coverage on generative AI technologies, implications, and ethical considerations is among the best.

AI Business: Provides insights, analysis, and news on the application of AI in the business world, including generative AI. The subscription is aimed at professionals looking to understand how AI can be leveraged in various industries.

Inside AI: Offers premium content on the latest AI news, research, and trends, with some focus on generative AI. The paid subscription includes additional insights and analysis not available in the free version.

Benedict Evans’ Newsletter: While not exclusively about AI, Benedict Evans provides high-level analysis and insights on the tech industry, including AI’s impact on different sectors. His annual presentation includes significant trends in AI and machine learning.

Stratechery by Ben Thompson: Offers in-depth analysis on the strategy and business side of technology, including AI. While the focus is broader, Thompson occasionally dives into topics related to generative AI and its impact on industries.

Datanami: Focused on data science and big data news, Datanami covers the technological advancements and applications in AI and machine learning. Their subscription service provides in-depth analysis and exclusive content.


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