유가 하락이 채권시장에 미치는 영향은? (2014.12)
국제유가 하락 배경과 전망 (2014.10)
향후 유가 전망과 유가 하락에 따른 영향분석 (2014.12)
한국수출입은행 해외경제연구소
유가 전망 및 미국의 셰일오일 수출 가능성 (2014.10)
국제 유가, 하락세 장기화 (2014.11)
KB 금융지주 경영연구소
최근 국제유가 하락의 원인 및 향후 전망 (2014.11)
KDB 대우증권
유가 하락이 주요 신흥국에 미치는 영향은? (2014.12)
BBVA Research
Macroeconomic effects of lower oil prices (2014.12)
The fall in oil prices over the week dominated Mexican financial markets (2014.12)
Oil prices and inflations: What’s next for 2015? (2014.12)
Brookings Institution
The oil price opportunity (2014.12)
Falling oil prices and the consequences for Sub-Saharan Africa (2014.12)
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Drama at the gas pump: The curse of high and low energy prices (2015.01)
How low oil price will impact climate change (2014.10)
Center on Global Energy Policy
The implications of lower oil prices for the US economy amid the shale boom (2014.12)
The impact of lower oil prices on the Mexican economy (2014.12)
Chatham House
Deja vu for OPEC as oil prices tumble (2014.12)
Danske Bank
The oil price plunge in perspective - deja vu #1
Institute of Energy Economics, Japan
Positive and negative impacts of rapid oil price drops (2014.12)
International Energy Agency
Oil Market Report (2014.12)
International Monetary Fund
Seven questions about the recent oil price slump (2014.12)
Oil price drop highlights need for diversity in Gulf economies (2014.12)
Mizuho Research Institute
The drop in oil price seems like deja vu for 1985: developed economies bottoming out/ developing countries unstable (2014.12)
Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies
Oil prices crash: the trillion dollar question (2014.12)
Standard Charted Bank
Oil price effects on Asia, the US and Latam (2014.10)
Wood Mackenzie
Low oil price to shake up Asian LNG (2014.12)
How will oil price slump impact Sub-Saharan Africa? (2014.12)
Five outcomes of an $80 Brent world (2014.11)
World Economic Forum
The Gulf states’ oil price challenge (2015.01)