브렉시트(Brexit) 최근 동향과 경제적 영향
- 대외경제정책연구원
브렉시트의 경제적 영향과 정책 시사점 (2016.05)
- 국제금융센터
브렉시트(Brexit) 발생시 영국경제 영향 (2016.05)
브렉시트(Brexit) 관련 최근 동향 및 시장반응 (2016.04)
브렉시트(Brexit) 논란의 배경 및 경제적 영향 점검 (2016.02)
- 대한무역투자진흥공사(KOTRA)
브렉시트, 폴란드에는 어떤 의미인가? (2016.05)
타타스틸의 영국 제철사업 매각 결정으로 브렉시트 논쟁 재점화 (2016.04)
영국 브렉시트, EU 회원국 잔류 가능성 높아지나 (2016.02)
- IBK 경제연구소
다시 부상한 브렉시트: 영국은 EU를 떠나나 (2016.03)
- LG 경제연구원
브렉시트, EU체제 리스크 높인다 (2016.05)
- The Brookings Institution
Two British Leaders Present Cases For and Against Britain Leaving the European Union (Brexit) (2016.05)
Could Brexit Bing the End of the New Sino-British “Special Relationship”? (2016.03)
- Bruegel
Brexit and the EU-UK Deal: Consequences For the EU (2016.03)
One Market, Two Monies: the European Union and the United Kingdom (2016.01)
- Centre for Economic Performance
The Consequences of Brexit for UK Trade and Living Standards (2016.03)
Life After Brexit: What Are the UK’s Options Outside the European Union? (2016.02)
- Centre for European Policy Studies(CEPS)
Britain’s Future in Europe: The Known Plan A to Remain or the Unknown Plan B to Leave (2016.03)
The EU Deal to Avoid Brexit: Take It or Leave (2016.02)
- Center for European Reform(CER)
Europe After Brexit: Unleashed or Undone? (2016.04)
Why the EU’s Market Matters to Britain (2016.03)
Brexit and EU Regulation: A Bonfire of the Vanities? (2016.02)
If the UK Votes To Leave the Seven Alternatives to EU Membership (2016.01)
- Chatham House
Britain, the EU and the Sovereignty Myth (2016.05)
- Clingendael Institute
Brexit: Strategic Consequences for Europe (2016.02)
- Council on Foreign Relations
The Debate Over ‘Brexit’ (2016.04)
- European Policy Centre
Britain and Europe: A new settlement? (2016.04)
- European Parliament
The UK’s ‘New Settlement’ In the European Union: Renegotiation and Referendum (2016.02)
- Friends of Europe
Scotland and Brexit: Shockwaves Will Spread Across EU (2016.01)
- The Heritage Foundation
Britain at the “Back of the Queue”? Why Obama Is Wrong About Trade and Brexit (2016.04)
- The Institute of International and European Affairs
Britain and Europe: the Endgame (2016.01)
Brexit: Legally Effective Alternatives (2016.01)
- Istituto Affari Internazionali(IAI)
Brexit or No Brexit? Political and Institutional Implications of an EU without the UK (2016.03)
- New Financial
The Potential Impact of Brexit on European Capital Markets: A Qualitative Survey of Market Participants (2016.04)
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
The Economic Consequences of Brexit: A Taxing Decision (2016.04)
- Peterson Institute for International Economics(PIIE)
Thinking About the Day After Brexit (2016.05)
Brexit Scenarios for June 24 (2016.05)
Don’t Expect Bank of England to Cut Rates If Brexit Occurs, Says Posen (2016.05)
(※ 위 자료는 대외경제정책연구원이 정리한 것임)
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