【TPP 타결과 세계 경제 질서의 변화】
▣ 대외경제정책연구원
TPP 타결에 대한 중국 내 평가와 대응 (2015.10)
▣ 대한무역투자진흥공사(KOTRA)
▣ 포스코경영연구원
TPP, 세계 최대 경제공동체의 탄생 (2015.10)
TPP, 세계 최대 경제공동체의 탄생 (2015.10)
▣ 하나금융경영연구소
▣ CATO Institute
Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal Reached! Now What? (2015.10)
Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal Reached! Now What? (2015.10)
▣ China Institute of International Studies(CIIS)
New Progress of the TPP Negotiations and Strategic Considerations of the Parties Concerned (2015.10)
▣ Institute of Southeast Asian Studies(ISEAS)
Why is Malaysia so interested in joining the TPP? (2015.03)
▣ Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry
State-owned Enterprise Reforms in the TPP Negotiation: Is it a win-win for Vietnam? (2015.07)